1 (800) 678-5423
Decorator Industries' Press Room

APRIL 4, 2020
"Abby firms join COVID battle All Metal Stamping, DI, LLC retool to make masks, shields."
By Kevin O’Brien
DI employee Sue Brill puts her sewing skills to good use making cotton face masks for those in the medical field. 10 masks per bundle are being shipped to health care providers in need.

APRIL 15, 2020
Neillsville School thanks Decorator Industries for donating masks to food service employees.
Pictured are (front, l to r) MiRa Liedtka, Carmen Decorah, Amy Veltus, (back) Kathleen Watson, Lori Schulz, Terrie Opelt and Sonya Brookhart.

APRIL 22, 2020
Purchase your COVID-19 Face Masks at Decorator Industries. Premier face masks to support the health of your Hospitality Industry Staff. $5.00 each (a minimum purchase of 10 face masks is required) Shipping & Handling charges will be added to your invoice total.
To Order Now Contact:
Name: Sandy Westphal
Email: sandy.westphal@decind.com
Phone: 800.678.5423 Ext. 231
May 7, 2020​
DI provides face masks to local healthcare.